Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ugh - Secret Santa Time - 5 Secret Santa Gift Ideas Under $20

Secret Santa time at the office. Participate or you look like a real turd. I never have a problem coming up with cool gifts, but the person that draws my name out of the Secret Santa hat seems to always have issues. Last year I got my first good gift in 12 years of office Secret Santa parties...a 12 pack of Heineken. Here are 5 secret santa gift ideas under $20. Enjoy. Buy em online now and save the time and headache. Be the hero at your offices secret santa party with these great gift ideas.

1) Jbuds Noise Reducing Headphones (Black for a guy, hot pink for the office hottie). These are awesome, highly rated headphones. Everyone has an Ipod or can use them at their desk if they are embarassed listening to Yanni or Eazy E!

2) Corporate Wildlife - The Definitive Guide to Office Humor - Thejendra B. S. Sreenivas

3) Grow - a Frog - Perfect gift idea for the office. It's like having a puppy at work, but you don't have to take it out and it won't chew on your desk!

4) Grass Pet - Set of two..This is sort of like the grow a frog, but less work...Helps if your office is anti-amphibian.

5) Nerf Toys (don't forget the refill ammo). Perfect for the youngster or the wench always shooting you darts in meetings. These will hurt much less.

Anyways, I would love to get some other ideas for office secret santa gift ideas under $20. I am thinking about the nyokki grass pet myself.

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